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China's Development Blueprint Provides Global Opportunities

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2023-03-16 09:26:57 | Author: QI Liming

The display of flying car Voyager X2 of XPeng Huitian. (PHOTO: XINHUA)

By QI Liming

Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed during this year's Two Sessions that high-quality development is the first and foremost task in building a modern socialist country in all respects. Speeding up efforts to achieve greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology is the path China must take to advance high-quality development.

China's high-quality economic development blueprint has attracted attention globally. The people from all over the world are optimistic about its innovation ability and the dividends of opening-up, while looking forward to win-win cooperation between China and other countries.

Anchor of stability: China's high-quality economic development boosts global confidence

George Barcelon, president of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry, said that in recent years, China has stepped up scientific and technological innovation in the electronic information industry, new energy vehicles and space exploration, and accelerated the exploration of overseas markets. "All these more competitive innovative products and technologies from China will benefit the global market, promoting win-win development," he said.

Argentine economist Jorge Marchini, professor at the University of Buenos Aires, said that in the past five years, China has made significant contributions and played an irreplaceable role in ensuring the stability of industrial and supply chains, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Source of vitality: China's high-level opening-up shares development opportunities

Costantinos Bt. Costantinos, professor of public policy at the Addis Ababa University in Ethiopia, said that China's high-level opening-up, and in particular its steady expansion of institutional opening-up, has enabled the world to share more of its development opportunities. This has been a major boon to both the Chinese economy and the world economy.

Chilean Fruit Exporters Association president, Iván Marambio said that this year's export season will be another record for Chilean cherry exports, nearly 90 percent of which will be purchased by the Chinese market. "In today's highly globalized and interconnected world, China's economic growth and foreign trade development are crucial to maintaining the vitality of the world economy."

An open world economy: China's win-win approach enhanced cooperation and access

High-quality development is indispensable to the sound development of the world economy. Belgian-Chinese Chamber of Commerce Chairman Bernard Dewit said that the Belt and Road Initiative is the world's largest and most popular platform for international cooperation at present. It is a powerful demonstration of policy communication, infrastructure connectivity, smooth trade and financing, and people-to-people exchanges.

Marcos Cordeiro Pires, a professor at Brazil's Sao Paulo State University, said that few Western countries are willing to support railway construction in Kenya or Laos because they only consider short-term investment returns. "China has shown itself to be the mode for major countries by creating future demand through infrastructure investment."

Editor: 龚茜

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