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WYSS 2022 Fosters Basic Science for Sustainable Development

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2022-11-13 08:39:43 | Author: Tang Zhexiao

Shu Wei, Member of the Leading Party Members and Executive Secretary of China Association for Science and Technology, speaking at the opening ceremony of 2022 World Young Scientist Summit. (PHOTO: Tang Zhexiao from S&T Daily)

By Tang Zhexiao

Highlighting basic science, youth and the future, as well as the promotion of more open, inclusive and mutually beneficial international scientific and technological cooperation, the 2022 World Young Scientist Summit (WYSS) raised its curtain on Nov.12 in east China’s Wenzhou.

With the theme of “Converging the World’s Talents, Creating a Better Future,” the WYSS 2022 takes “Basic Science for Sustainable Development” as the annual topic.

The 17th China Youth Science and Technology Award Ceremony and academic dialogues between top scientists and young scientists was held on topics such as original innovation and cross-border integration during the opening ceremony.

The 17th China Youth Science and Technology Award Ceremony was held on Nov.12, 2022, Wenzhou, east China’s Zhejiang province. (PHOTO: Tang Zhexiao from S&T Daily)

Wan Gang, Vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and president of the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), delivered a speech at the ceremony, stressed the urgent need of scientific and technological innovation to seek solutions for challenges the world is facing. He hoped that the youth can promote cross-border integration, collaborative innovation, and application of cutting-edge technologies such as clean energy, artificial intelligence and biotechnology, continuing to generate new productivity.

Young people are a fundamental force in promoting sustainable development. It is hoped that the majority of young people will adhere to integrity and innovation, openness and integration, building consensus through dialogue and cooperation, as well as shaping the future with science and technology, according to Wan.

"International scientific and technological talent exchange is forging ahead." Zhang Yuzhuo, secretary of the Leading Party Members Group of China Association for Science and Technology, said the future of science and technology lies in young people. He expected participants of the WYSS 2022 to contribute their insights, promote global innovation through cooperation, and bloom with the science and technology.

2013 Chemistry Nobel Laureate Michael Levitt shared his views on basic research, believing that global challenges require global wisdom to solve. Currently, international scientific and technological cooperation has become a general trend, which fits the theme of the WYSS 2022.

Other major events including the WYSS 2022 European Event, the Women Scientists Summit Forum, the Global Roundtable for Young Scientist Scholar, Open Forum for Youth, and International Forum on Comprehensive Health Industry in the AI Era was carried out as parallel sessions.

The WYSS has been successfully held for three sessions since 2019, bringing together more than 30 Nobel Prize-level top scientists, nearly 300 academicians and 3,000 young scientists from 200 countries, regions and international organizations to exchange ideas and deepen cooperation.

Editor: 汤哲枭

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