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Global Consumer Products Gather at 3rd CICPE

Source: Science and Technology Daily | 2023-04-13 10:41:25 | Author: Science and Technology Daily

To provide opportunities for companies worldwide to share the Chinese massive market, the 3rd China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE) kicks off in Haikou, capital city of south China's Hainan province, on April 10. (PHOTO: S&T Daily/ TANG Zhexiao)

By TANG Zhexiao

The 3rd China International Consumer Products Expo (CICPE) kicked off on April 10 in Haikou, south China's Hainan province. It has attracted 3,300 brands from 65 countries and regions, including 10 RCEP member countries.

As a national-level exhibitions held in China annually, this year's CICPE encompasses an area of 120,000 square meters, increasing 20 percent compared with last year. The number of exhibitors and purchasers also surpassed that of the previous two sessions.

More than 50,000 buyers and professional visitors will attend the Expo, coming from more than ten industries, including large-scale supermarkets, e-commerce and tax-exemption.

A series of promotional events, matchmaking activities, trade fairs and seminars will be held during the Expo, aside from the Global Consumption Forum.

Themed as "Share open opportunities, co-create a better life," the Expo will take full advantage of Hainan Free Trade Port's preferential policies to encourage global enterprises and brands to share the Chinese market, aiming to boost consumption recovery and spur economy.

Italy is the guest country of honor at this Expo, bringing 147 brands, covering important consumption fields such as automobiles, clothing, watches, jewelry, food, alcohol and dairy products.

According to the Ministry of Commerce, this year's Expo is the first large-scale international exhibition held in China after the smooth transition of epidemic response measures, and it is an important part of the "Year of Promoting Consumption."

It will focus on hot topics such as green consumption, healthy consumption, smart consumption and fashion consumption, said Wang Wentao, Chinese Minister of Commerce.

The Expo will also strengthen the ties between exhibitors and buyers, stimulate market vitality, boost consumer confidence, and promote consumption upgrading and potential release, Wang said.

Editor: 王晓夏

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