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China's Sci-tech Development for Good, People's Well-being

Source: 科技日报 | 2023-05-11 09:42:57 | Author: 林雨晨

Official poster of Chinese embassy open housethemed "Yunnan: A Many-Splendored Life".(Courtesy Photo)

By LIN Yuchen & GONG Qian

The Chinese Embassy in the United States set up particularly a sci-tech exhibition hall during its open house event on May 6, in efforts to showcase American people China's sci-tech achievements.

By providing the pictures, models and on-site explanation about China's achievements in sci-tech development, the exhibition showed how sci-tech development in China is for good, people's well-being and social progress.

The exhibition is held against the backdrop of rising tensions between China and the U.S. in sci-tech cooperation in recent years.

"To China and the U.S. in terms of sci-tech development, cooperation brings the two benefits and division brings the two harms. The two countries should continue to pro-actively cooperate on global issues such as climate change, energy and ecology to create increasingly valuable cooperation rewards for the benefit of the people in the world," said Chen Futao, minister counsellor for science and technology of the Chinese Embassy.

"We should recognize that internationalization is an essential attribute of science. International exchanges and cooperation are crucial in driving forward sci-tech development of the world," he noted.

In her remarks, Xu Xueyuan, Chargé d'affaires of the Chinese Embassy in the U.S., said that humanistic exchanges and civil contacts between China and the U.S. are the social foundations for the development of mutual relations, which help the two countries to enhance understanding, resolve differences, and achieve value integration and positive interactions.

The one-day event themed "Yunnan: A Many-Splendored Life" attracted about 15,000 American visitors, and over 350 guests from various sectors, including U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for China Rick Waters, who attended the VIP session.

Editor: 王晓夏

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